THE YELLOW JACKET invites you to revisit the African American legacy at both ATHENS HIGH INDUSTRIAL and BURNEY-HARRIS HIGH SCHOOLS! See parents, relatives, friends and recall fond memories from years past! Upon each visit, we believe you will gain a better understanding of the past, a greater urgency about the present, and a clearer perspective on the future.
EXPRESSIONS - This program is designed to promote involvement in both the visual and performing arts. Activities include visits to Museums, Art Exhibits, Festivals, and Theaters, and the promotion of community-based exhibits, festivals, arts and crafts shows, and performances. Travel-related expenses are paid by participants or sponsors.
FRIENDS FOR LIFE - This project was dedicated to promoting a better life for at least 200 children, ages 4-15 years, with a focus on those of incarcerated parents. It is a Mentoring Partnership comprised of ICOD, Inc., faith-based and other stakeholders in northeast Georgia. Currently, more than 700 of these youths reside in the counties of Barrow, Clarke, Elbert, Greene, Jackson, Madison and Oglethorpe. It was funded in 2004 via a 3-year $720,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
NETSPAN - This successful project showcased (1) the Community Technology Network initiative which sought to narrow the digital divide by assisting congregations, community associations, and other groups to establish and expand neighborhood-based technology centers; It was funded in May 2000 with a 3-year $395,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
EXCEL - This is a six-week Summer Enrichment Project for middle school students. It offers campus and cultural visits and intensive instruction in Language Arts and Mathematics. EXCEL is jointly sponsored by ICOD, local school systems, faith and community organizations, and Educational Talent Search - a federally funded TRIO Program affiliated with the University of Georgia.
OUTLOOK combines learning with leisure travel. It offers unique study tours of sites located throughout America and the Caribbean. Participants enjoy opportunities to study a broad range of subjects with persons sharing a common interest. Subjects include the environment, history, archaeology, and culture. All expenses are underwritten either by participants themselves or sponsors.
ENTECH - This initiative is designed to promote e-commerce by incorporating Internet technology into micro-enterprise development. Activities include training on software applications and the design of sound business plans, in-depth study of successful e-commerce businesses and visits to selected sites. Travel-related expenses are paid by participants or sponsors. |